Media guidelines for former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui's May 29-31 visit to Cornell

Lee Teng-hui, former president of Taiwan, has rescheduled his visit to Cornell University to May 29-31, 2001 for health reasons.

Lee's visit to Cornell is planned as a private visit, during which he will not participate in public events and will not present public speeches. We do not anticipate that he will give a news conference.

Media organizations planning to send representatives to campus to cover this event must register in advance with the Cornell News Service. Please register on our web site at or call us at 607-255-4206 for a fax registration form.

Media who have already registered for the May 2-4 visit do not need to register again. Please contact us by phone or email by May 23 to confirm whether or not you will cover the rescheduled visit.