Flexible work arrangements webinars offered Feb. 18 and 24

Interested in trying out a flexible work arrangement for yourself or for the staff members in your unit but aren't sure how to go about it? Flexible work arrangements -- alternative start/stop times, compressed work weeks, telecommuting and job shares -- are excellent ways to fulfill business needs while supporting employee work/life responsibilities.

Two free webinars are upcoming. The webinar for supervisors interested in flex arrangements in their unit is Feb. 18, 10-11 a.m. The webinar for employees who would like to ask supervisors for flexibility or who want to know how to support their colleagues' needs for flexibility is Feb. 24, noon-1 p.m.

To register for a webinar, contact Michelle Artibee at mla64@cornell.edu or 255-5298. After registering, you will receive the log-in information via e-mail. For more information, visit http://www.ohr.cornell.edu/workLife/balancing/workshops.html.

Media Contact

Joe Schwartz