Professor Norman Uphoff discussed the System of Rice Intensification April 5 at the closing session of Cambodia's fourth annual national farmers conference in Phnom Penh.
MicroGen's nanotechnology based energy harvester – researched and developed by the company at the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility – begins commercial scale production this summer.
Two Cornell researchers are world experts in studies of little-known plant transport proteins that may be key to easing the ever-growing global food needs.
Cornell horticulture students are hoping to highlight why trees are worth hugging, by hanging bright green 'price tags' on trunks around the Ag Quad to show the true value of trees.
In the quest to decrease the world's greenhouse gases, Cornell scientists have discovered that biochar reduces the nemesis nitrous oxide from agricultural soil on average by about 55 percent and stanches emissions into the atmosphere.
Mark Lynas, who was anti-genetically modified crops, has done a complete turnaround. He will discuss the benefits of biotechnology in a changing climate, April 29 at 2 p.m. in Statler Auditorium.
Worry not, they don't bite. After a 16-year slumber underground, the 17-year cicadas – with their raucous rib-rendered buzz – return this spring, says Cole Gilbert, associate professor of entomology.
Students presented research in the humanities at a forum April 16, with projects ranging from local archaeology to art, architecture, service-learning and philosophy.