In the News

The New York Times

This article about a NYC legislative proposal requiring the city to publicize all computer instructions quotes Solon Barocas, assistant professor of computer and information science.

The Washington Post

In “Congress’s Constitution: Legislative Authority and the Separation of Powers,” Cornell law professor Josh Chafetz examines the range of Congress’s powers, particularly those beyond the power to enact substantive laws, such as legislative control of appropriations and influence over executive branch personnel.


Op-Ed by Tracy Stokol, professor of population medicine and diagnostic sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine, discusses the enormous debt facing veterinary school graduates.

The New York Times

This article about the use of social media at airports quotes Steven Carvell, professor of hotel administration.

USA Today

Opinion piece by astronomy professor Phil Nicholson on how the upcoming solar eclipse doesn’t promise earth-shattering scientific discoveries, but does hold the power to inspire young Americans to pursue science careers and possibly motivate leaders to support scientific research.

Associated Press

Sunday, Aug. 20 marked the 40th anniversary of NASA's launch of Voyager 2, now almost 11 billion miles distant. This article notes Cornell’s role in the development and launch of the Voyager spacecraft.

The New York Times

Editorial piece advocates for prison education programs, and for expanding the number of inmates taking college courses to about 3,500 across much of the system from 1,000. Among the schools that will participate are Cornell, New York University, Mercy College and Bard College.

Scientific American

Kangpu Xu, a Chinese-born reproductive biologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, comments on preimplantation genetic diagnosis. “Looking over the development in China over the past 10 years, they might start to think it’s possible to get rid of these diseases,” he says.

The New York Times

This op-ed by economics professor Bob Frank analyzes the behavior of many United States senators during the repeated, failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


A team of astronomers has found evidence for four Earth-sized (ish) worlds orbiting tau Ceti, a Sun-like star located just 12 light years away. Ramses Ramirez, an exoplanet researcher at Cornell who specializes in defining the limits of the habitable zone, talks about alien life in space.


The internet is overflowing with how-to guides on how to imitate their successes by becoming a full-time Instagrammer, blogger, and fashion guru. But you have probably never heard of the women featured in (not) getting paid to do what you love, a book by Cornell researcher Brooke Erin Duffy that examines the myth that working hard on a personal brand will pay off in the long run.

Bloomberg Businessweek

Doug Antczak, a veterinary scientist, is quoted in this story about horse clones being used in polo races, which could include the next Olympics.