Mothers live longer as child mortality declines

The dramatic decline in childhood mortality during the 20th century has added a full year to women’s lives, according to a new study.

Art brings science to life along the Mohawk River

Through the capstone course Art and Science of the Mohawk River Watershed, a group of environment and sustainability majors studied the river through the lenses of art, science and culture, deepening their understanding of a complex natural system.

Hard work, personal stories bring speech team big wins

Cornell Speech Team members shared stories about gender, ethnicity, racism and their hometowns during the most successful season in the team’s 40-year history.

National Humanities Center selects two A&S professors as 2024-25 Fellows

Kim Haines-Eitzen, the Paul and Berthe Hendrix Memorial Professor of Near Eastern studies, and Mostafa Minawi, associate professor of history and director of Critical Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Studies, will pursue research projects in residence in Durham, North Carolina.

Around Cornell

Ghosh to lead Cornell’s Society for the Humanities

Recently the faculty director of the Humanities Scholars Program, Ghosh brings to the Society scholarly background in the history of British colonialism on the Indian subcontinent; academic focuses on gender and sexuality and South Asia; and broad experience with interdisciplinary collaborations.

Around Cornell

Projects funded by 2024 New Frontier Grants look toward the future

The College of Arts and Sciences has awarded five New Frontier Grants to cutting edge projects in science, social science and the humanities led by A&S faculty, some with collaborators from other colleges.

Newest EEG lab empowers faculty from multiple disciplines

Cornell's newest interdisciplinary EEG lab could help faculty make breakthroughs in fields ranging from psychology to neurology to artificial intelligence. 

Around Cornell

Global Scholars amplify free expression

The first-ever group of Undergraduate Global Scholars at the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies are writers, artists and researchers with a common goal – to speak up for global free speech.

Around Cornell

New research initiative tackles pressing global development issues

CIDER unites 24 faculty across campus and the world, along with students, staff, researchers and external partners, to create and share knowledge.