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Super Bowl ad market an increasingly scarce resource

Media Contact

Adam Allington

The significant increase in cost for a 30-second Super Bowl ad, currently $7 million up from $5.5 in 2001, underscores the premium that advertisers are willing to pay for the privilege of delivering their messages to large, unfragmented audiences simultaneously.

Jura Liaukonyte

Dake Family Associate Professor of Marketing, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

Jura Liaukonyte, professor of marketing in Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business, says that in today's media landscape—characterized by a plethora of streaming platforms and channel—capturing the attention of a large, unified audience at a single point in time is exceedingly challenging.

Liaukonyte says:

“The Super Bowl, provides this rare opportunity, allowing advertisers to deliver their message to millions of viewers simultaneously. A unified audience is more likely to share a collective experience, leading to enhanced engagement with the advertising content.

“This shared experience can amplify the emotional resonance of advertisements, making them more memorable and effective. When viewers watch the Super Bowl, they are not just passive recipients of content; they are engaged in a communal event.

“Advertisers not only capture real-time audiences but also benefit from prolonged engagement as ads are discussed, shared, and replayed online, creating additional layers of value. This dynamic elevates the attractiveness of Super Bowl slots, justifying the premium on advertising costs as brands seek to leverage both immediate impact and extended digital afterlife.”

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