The 53rd Service Recognition Dinner in Bartels Hall, June 9, honored Cornell's staff who have been at the university 25 years or more on the occasion of their five-year anniversaries, and those with more than 40 years of service. (June 23, 2008)
It's not quite Jack Bauer's superpowered cell phone, but Cornell University Police officers will soon have a lot of new communications tools at hand through mobile data terminals in their patrol cars. (March 2, 2009)
As participants in the Leading Cornell program, 17 staff members identified as 'high-potential' review Reimagining Cornell and the strategic plan and give recommendations to President Skorton. (June 13, 2011)
It's time for staff and managers to review their unit's inclement weather staffing plan, discuss specific concerns and review where to get information about weather-related delays and closings. (Dec. 9, 2010)
The Campus Savings and Efficiencies Committee says that improving efficiency in e-SHOP as well as in printing and energy use will be among the university's first cost-saving efforts. (Feb. 16, 2009)
J.R. Clairborne, 2nd Ward representative of Ithaca's Common Council, said that stories of hope and inspiration are everywhere, recounting several from his own life at Soup and Hope, Jan. 31.
The new health care reform law will prompt some changes in Cornell's health plans: Most notably, any child up to age 26 may be covered under a parent's health plan, effective January 2011. (April 15, 2010)