Charles Wiggens Jr. spoke at the Taking Control of Your Diabetes session, April 30, in the Boyce Thompson Institute Auditorium about how to live with the disease. (May 8, 2008)
Application support analyst Alan Rose has benefited from his enrollment in the Cornell Program for Healthy Living, saying it motivated him to change his diet and get more exercise. (Nov. 21, 2008)
The new PeopleSoft computer system is not so much about technology as it is about better business practices and capabilities the university didn't have before. (Oct. 2, 2008)
CU's long-awaited child-care center opened its doors Aug. 25, marking a milestone in Cornell's efforts to help students, faculty and staff with a wide range of personal and family responsibilities. (Aug. 29, 2008)
Flex work arrangements meet many needs for both supervisors and employees. CIT tells how its arrangements are developed and for what reasons. (Feb. 19, 2009)
The Division of Human Resources and Cornell University Finance and Administration have joined forces this year to offer six leadership development programs at the university.
Once again AARP has placed Cornell on its list of 'Best Employers for Workers Over 50,' and Working Mother magazine named CU to its '100 Best Companies' for working mothers. (Sept. 25, 2007)
In response to requests from the Cornell community, the university has just begun offering pet insurance to staff and faculty through Marsh@Work Solutions.
In light of the economic crisis, Mary Zielinski, assistant director and manager of retirement programs in Cornell's Benefit Services office, provides some answers to investment questions. (Oct. 9, 2008)