Those who prefer a more active approach to their investments, or who have both LifeCycle and other funds, will appreciate the detailed guidance Cornell vendors are now able to give. (Feb. 29, 2008)
President David Skorton has committed to developing sweeping changes in the way Cornell buys goods and services. Vice President Joanne DeStefano will lead the effort, which will save up to $40 million a year. (Oct. 8, 2009)
Employees and retirees enrolled in Cornell's now-extinct Nonexempt Endowed Retirement Plan were recently notified that they can expect a 12.5 percent increase in the value of their plans. (Aug. 21, 2008)
With flu kits and meals delivered to their rooms and daily check-ins via e-mail and phone, Cornell students ill with the flu are getting support from staff and fellow students. (Sept. 12, 2009)
On Sept. 4, President David Skorton and Provost Kent Fuchs hosted the first of five forums to discuss with faculty, staff and students the creation of Cornell's strategic plan.
Within the next week, all staff and faculty who are eligible for Cornell benefits will receive a booklet at their home address announcing a special benefits open enrollment period for long-term care insurance and life insurance. (April 4, 2008)
One man and a plate of cookies led to Cornell's inaugural Bartels Award to recognize the outstanding customer service performed by the custodial staff on campus. (Feb. 1, 2008)
You don't need to start with large sums of money to invest for retirement, and you don't have to be a pro. Resources abound on the Web sites of each of Cornell's vendors.
In a Cornell Perspectives piece, Vice President for Human Resources Mary George Opperman talks about how the university's staff contributes to Cornell's 'bold ideas and big aspirations.'
Cornell's Office of Workforce Diversity, Equity and Life Quality offers assistance for employees caring for relatives who are elderly, sick, disabled or have special needs. (Jan. 30, 2009)