Tip Sheets

Cornell expert says ‘bedbugs aren’t everywhere, but they could be anywhere’

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Abby Kozlowski

As French authorities face widespread reports of a bedbug infestation in Paris, Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, a Cornell University entomologist whose work focuses on reducing pest risks, provides some tips of what to look for and how to salvage exposed belongings.

Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann

Senior extension associate, Department of Entomology

Kaufmann says:

“Remember, bedbugs aren’t everywhere, but they could be anywhere. Learn what they look like and what their evidence looks like. The first thing you might see in a hotel room is black fecal marks, which look like someone touched a Sharpie marker to the bedding.

“Inspect your hotel room. Inspect your belongings when you return home. And keep in mind, nothing needs to be discarded. You can isolate any object in an airtight bag or container in a warm area and in six months it will be bedbug free.”

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