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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an impassioned plea to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday morning. Historian Cristina Florea who specializes in eastern and central Europe is available to speak on his address.
Cristina Florea is an assistant professor and historian of Central and Eastern Europe. She can speak to the region’s multilayered past, particularly its pre-national history.
Florea says:
“In his speech, President Zelenskyy no longer insisted on Ukraine joining NATO, but pointed out what has been painfully obvious to many small states: namely, that the international institutions designed to protect their sovereignty and guarantee peace have repeatedly proved powerless and ineffective. The 20th century witnessed several attempts at reimagining forms of international cooperation and guaranteeing peace, from the League of Nations to the United Nations, to NATO, all of which have proved disappointing. Depending on how the world chooses to respond to Ukraine, this war might become the catalyst for new forms of international cooperation.”