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Wednesday, Oct. 11 is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.
Leni Kaplan, a companion animal veterinarian at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, explains the dangers of pet obesity and offers three tips to help your pet shed some weight.
Kaplan says:
“Obesity predisposes pets to a number of serious health conditions including arthritis/joint pain with decreased mobility, endocrine disorders such as diabetes, skin problems due to excess skin folds, and decreased life expectancy.
Tips for keeping your pets healthy:
Portion control: “One of the easiest ways to prevent obesity or promote weight loss is to employ portion control; using an eight-ounce measuring cup is a must.
Pre-prepare meals: “It is helpful and convenient if owners pre-prepare their pets’ food portions during the weekend for each day of the week into baggies or small Tupperware containers; then, they just grab that day’s ration of food and divide it into meals without worrying about having to measure it during the busy work week.
Beware of treats: “Owners should also pay attention to how many treats the pet is receiving on a daily basis. Many pet treats are high in calories and can really lead to significant weight gain. Dry kibble (part of the day’s food ration) can be used as treats as well as vegetables such as carrots, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, and green beans.”