Rare, deadly liver cancer rewires cell metabolism to grow

Study opens the door to exploring new targets for therapies for fibrolamellar carcinoma, which does not respond to conventional treatments and leaves patients with approximately a year to live on average once it is detected.

MEDIA ALERT: Experts available on Harris's candidacy

Cornell experts are available to discuss Kamala Harris's candidacy.

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Expert Quotes

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The New York State Milk Bar has been serving up refreshing cups of milk for just 25 cents since 1983, and this cherished tradition continues today. Staffed by around 40 teenagers selected and trained by the Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Cayuga County, the Milk Bar provides a unique learning experience.

In The News

New Yorker

The article references family estrangement research from Karl Pillemer, professor of psychology.


Researchers from Weill Cornell identified a brain network that is nearly two times larger in the brains of people with depression.


Robert Shepherd, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, discusses his research of robots controlled by mushrooms.


Data from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is used to discuss the voting decisions of voters between the ages of 18-29.

Yahoo Finance

Alexios Mantzarlis, director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech, says “The detector tools are inconsistent. Some of them, frankly, are snake oil.”

Associated Press

David Sherwyn, director of the Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor & Employment Relations, says “The hotels are saying the guests don’t want it, I can’t find the people and it’s a huge expense. That’s the battle.”