It started with a roll of duct tape used to stop automatic toilets from flushing too often. Such small measures, led by Alumni Affairs and Development's Julie Featherstone, have led to big savings. (Oct. 22, 2009)
The university is retiring its 'postoffice' e-mail system and moving students to Google Apps Education Edition, and faculty and staff to Microsoft Exchange. (Sept. 16, 2009)
Cornell's plans to address its financial difficulty are taking shape, said Vice President for Human Resources Mary Opperman at a March 25 brown-bag lunch.
The schedule change for health and dental plans and for Select Benefits reimbursement accounts will ensure that faculty and staff members will have their health and dental cards by the new year. (Aug. 19, 2009)
eCornell has decided that its future success requires a smaller, focused organization to specialize in sales and service to corporations and individuals seeking online professional training from Cornell.
The yearly open enrollment period for benefits runs Nov. 10-26. The only significant change this year is in the vendor Cornell is using for behavioral health care coverage. (Nov. 7, 2008)
At a ceremony June 8 on the Arts Quad, Cornell administrators thanked the hundreds of staff and faculty members who this spring elected to participate in the Staff Retirement Incentive program.
Some 3,000 copies of a new handbook to help employees recognize and respond to student stress are being distributed to all staff members who have contact with students. (May 19, 2011)
Since Cornell's Adoption Assistance Program was implemented in 2005, 39 families have received assistance from the university to help with their adoption expenses. Here's a look at how two families benefited. (May 1, 2009)
Cornell is the best place in the nation to work for people over age 50, according to AARP, because of its commitment to staff and faculty, more than 40 percent of whom are age 50 or older. (Sept. 23, 2008)