Three architecture faculty received funding from Epic Games Inc. in support of their work on Virtual Places, a project to adapt the company’s VR gaming engine for architectural and urban design.
Architecture student CoCo Tin ’19 is one of three recipients of this year’s Kohn Pedersen Fox Traveling Fellowship, given to students in their penultimate year at one of the firm’s 27 partner design schools.
Assistant professor of architecture Jenny Sabin and alumna Susan T. Rodriguez '81, B.Arch. '82, are among five winners of Architectural Record's 2016 Women in Architecture Awards.
Sturt Manning, Nancy Green and Nicole Milano have received grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities for field research, cultural heritage and preservation projects.
Around 1,450 Cornell students completed their studies this month. While the December Recognition Ceremony was canceled, some shared their university experiences.
The College of Architecture, Art and Planning is represented in several pavilions and events at the prestigious, six-month exhibition, which seeks “a new spatial contract.”
Toni Morrison, M.A. '55, and alumni architects J. Meejin Yoon and Eric Höweler are among new recipients of American Academy of Arts and Letters honors.
Reimagining a future for a neglected rural estate in Poland once in Ann Michel '77's family, students in a fall 2015 architecture design studio are featured in her documentary "Reversing Oblivion."