The Cornell University Board of Trustees unanimously approved 1996-97 statutory college tuition rates and a new residential housing policy at its meeting May 25.
Imagine a school lunch program with entrees containing only 6 percent of calories from fat, almost completely based on nutrient-dense USDA commodity plant foods, such as dried beans, lentils, bulgur wheat and brown rice, and -- here is the hard-to-imagine part -- is readily eaten by children.
BALTIMORE -- Medical researchers who want to study the microscopic distributions of key proteins, DNA, messenger signals, metabolic states and molecular mobility have a new tool that can show the activity and behavior of living cells under a variety of conditions.
The Community Partnership Board on Dec. 2 awarded more than $20,000 in grant monies to Cornell University-student-initiated, grassroots service-learning projects.
Cornell biologists who study dwindling populations of one of the rarest mammals in North America have found another reason to let "natural" fires burn. Without lightning-sparked fires every 10 to 12 years, they say, pine trees are isolating Northern Idaho ground squirrels into shrinking groups.
Cornell biologists have shown how chemicals produced in a core region of the brain shared by all vertebrate animals (including humans) make males act like males, females like females -- and some males something like females.
A $20 million gift to Cornell from an alumnus will launch major new instructional and research initiatives in science and engineering and provide state-of-the-art facilities in growing technologies for electronic and photonic devices, biotechnology and advanced materials processing.
Two disease-causing microorganisms, Cryptosporidium and Giardia, are the targets of an intensive campaign by researchers at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine.
NEW YORK (May 18, 2005) -- Three New York City biomedical research institutions -- The Rockefeller University, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) -- will receive $50 million over three years from The Starr Foundation to develop new resources and expertise in stem cell research.
An agreement by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund a Cornell University-based consortium of institutions will help to establish the new Nanobiotechnology Center (NBTC) here. NSF funding over a five-year period could reach $19 million.