Two Cornell staff members who deal daily with sensitive matters were recently honored with the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service: Michael Skvarla on June 28, and Cindy Glanville on July 17. (July 27, 2012)
The 12th annual Staff Education Exploration Day (S.E.E.D.) was held on July 21 in the Biotechnology Building. More than 200 staff attended the event to learn strategies for developing their careers. (July 23, 2010)
Consumer Credit Counseling Services offers free financial counseling by phone, in person at their offices, or in on-campus meetings and debt and bankruptcy help for a modest, sliding scale fee. (Dec. 3, 2009)
At the Town-Gown Awards (TOGO) ceremony at Morrison Hall Dec. 7, Cornell administrators bestowed awards to celebrate partnerships between the university and local organizations.
Four employees share their experiences with the Cornell Program for Healthy Living, one of the endowed health care plans available during open enrollment, which ends Nov. 30. (Nov. 13, 2009)
The Toward New Destinations diversity planning document has been revised to reflect outcomes as well as plans to promote diversity and inclusion across campus, making them integral to university life.
Davina Desnoes has been named budget director and John Adams is now assistant vice president for planning and budget, both in the Division of Planning and Budget. (Dec. 16, 2010)