A doctoral student in the field of information science developed an interactive map that has become an online hub for thousands of people in the greater Los Angeles area who need provisions, are looking to donate supplies or want to get involved.
Cornell plant and computer science experts joined forces to show how herbivores like sea snails can promote the spread of seagrass wasting disease. Grazing by small herbivores was associated with a 29% increase in the prevalence of disease.
A Cornell-led collaborative research team has received a nearly $5 million grant from the Gates Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to leverage artificial intelligence and transform data on effective teaching practices into insights that can accelerate the science of teaching and learning.
Dan Kowal, associate professor of statistics and data science in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, has developed a new Bayesian regression analysis method that’s more flexible, accurate and easy to use.
Reinforcement Learning, an artificial intelligence approach, has the potential to guide physicians in designing sequential treatment strategies for better patient outcomes but requires significant improvements before it can be applied in clinical settings.
A Cornell Tech-led research group is in the early stages of developing a portable, inexpensive device that uses radio frequency signals and machine learning to measure lead contamination levels in soil.
Philanthropic organization Schmidt Sciences has named Carla P. Gomes of Cornell Bowers CIS an AI2050 Senior Fellow for her work on innovative AI approaches to advance scientific discovery, focusing on significant sustainability challenges.