Researchers led by Cornell have discovered an unusual phenomenon in a metal-insulating material, providing valuable insights for the design of materials with new properties by way of faster switching between states of matter.
Professors Peng Chen, Mariana Wolfner ’74 and Timothy A. Ryan, M.S. ’86, Ph.D. ’89, have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the academy announced on April 24.
A collaboration between researchers from Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania found that most successful deep neural networks follow a similar trajectory in the same “low-dimensional” space.
Researchers developed a semiconductor chip that will enable ever-smaller devices to operate at the higher frequencies needed for future 6G communication technology.
Clues about life on exoplanets could be as strange as a bioluminescent glow or a rainbow hue, astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger describes in her new book, “Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos.”
Awarded graduate students will study sustainability, biodiversity, accelerating energy transitions, advancing human health, increasing food security or addressing climate change.
Male teaching assistants are more likely to receive higher ratings than their female counterparts, and both genders are perceived as more valuable when exhibiting traits historically associated with their respective roles in society, a Cornell study finds.