To underscore how local partnerships improve Cornell, Ithaca and Tompkins County, the university presented the 13th annual Cornell Town-Gown Awards to three student-community collaborations.
Cornell veterinary students and faculty attended one of the country's largest American Kennel Club (AKC)-licensed shows, providing care, gathering data and learning about different dog breeds.
While upstate New Yorkers are evenly split on utility-scale solar farms, naysayers object partly due to a perception that rural residents unfairly bear the burden of meeting downstate urban energy demands without compensation, a survey has found.
Applications are openfor a new online entrepreneurship class for innovators with ideas for value-added dairy products, and finalists have been announced for a first-ever dairy products competition.
Ka’jeem Hill is one of 32 labor professionals who will graduate from the AFL-CIO/Cornell-ILR Union Leadership Institute, which prepares them to advance workers’ rights in New York state.
Smoke particulates from wildfires could lead to between 4,000 and 9,000 premature deaths and cost $36 to $82 billion per year in the U.S., according to research by Cornell and a university in China.
Twelve undergraduates, all ILR majors, took part in the first High Roads Fellowship program to take place in New York City. During the nine-week session, the fellows gained work experience assisting organizations in the NYC region.
The smallest and shallowest bodies of water exhibit the greatest variability of greenhouse gas emissions over time, according to a paper that could help improve the accuracy of climate models.
For her work in developing and teaching nutrition and food justice curricula to adolescents in New York City, Hannah Rudt ’23 has won the 2023 National Student Employee of the Year award – the first Cornellian to ever receive this honor.
In a rural part of upstate New York, students with access to school-based health centers received more medical care and missed less school, Cornell researchers found.