Cornell researchers have received a $150,000 NEH Digital Humanities Advanced Grant to create a 3D virtual modeling project based on the Casa della Regina Carolina, a large Pompeian house.
The Mindful Inclusion certificate, developed by Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Connie Yuan, applies benefits of mindfulness to organizational leadership.
On Veterans Day, a series of speakers shared personal reflections about how camaraderie shapes both military and academic life as part of Cornell’s celebration of its military and veteran community.
Eleven teaching faculty from across the university have been awarded Cornell’s highest honors for graduate and undergraduate teaching, Interim President Michael I. Kotlikoff announced Oct. 22.
The Brooks School has strengthened its faculty with the addition of 13 new external hires who will bolster its research and instruction portfolios in economics, data science, race and equity, and environmental policy.
Launched in spring 2022, the Workplace Inclusion and Diversity Education program is a partnership between the ILR Credit Internship Program and ILR WIDE.
Prioritizing unique and more educated applicants for temporary work visas, U.S. employers play a central but understudied role in the allocation of temporary work visas, new Cornell research finds.
Your career can thrive when your path is not linear, a panel of alumni and business leaders said at the seventh annual Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Dean’s Distinguished Lecture, Sept. 23 in the Alice Statler Auditorium.
Taking race into account when developing tools to predict a patient’s risk of colorectal cancer leads to more accurate predictions when compared with race-blind algorithms, researchers find.