The Cornell AgriTech berry breeding program has released two new red raspberry varieties, Crimson Beauty and Crimson Blush. These add to three previous Cornell “crimson series” raspberry releases: Crimson Treasure, Crimson Giant and Crimson Night.
The history of labor organizations and worker issues in China is the focus of “Keywords of Chinese Labor: An Exhibition,” opening this month in an art gallery in Brooklyn. The exhibition will include daily guided tours and events.
Serving children more nutritious meals didn't reduce their taste for sweets, but promoted healthier weight over time by reducing added sugar and fat consumption, a Cornell-led study found.
Stephen Philip Johnson, vice president for government and community relations emeritus, whose genial approach helped legislators understand Cornell’s educational missions, died Sept. 30 in Syracuse. He was 78.
Campaign Weathervane, developed by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, invites students and the public to try to navigate the winds of public sentiment in every U.S. presidential race since 1940.
A new library exhibit will highlight the close-knit, vibrant communities that Black writers in the U.S. created through newspapers, books, pamphlets and other publications in the 18th to 20th centuries.
The TeraPore Technology co-founder and CEO is featured in the 2024 Faces of American Innovation Report along with four other honorees selected to receive the award.
New and returning Cornellians gathered on Sept. 14 for Welcome Students Weekend, an event bringing students from Cornell, Ithaca College and Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) together to explore downtown Ithaca.