Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Launching China and Asia-Pacific Studies, a 'revolutionary' new undergraduate major

With an intense focus on acculturation through language learning, its semester-long externships to Washington, D.C. and Beijing and its rigorous programming, the China and Asia-Pacific Studies program is unlike any major at Cornell or anywhere else.

Michael Zak '75 helps create new major in China and Asia Pacific studies

A gift from Michael Zak '75 helped launch Cornell's China and Asian Pacific Studies (CAPS) program, which enrolled its first students this fall. As an undergraduate Zak studied Mandarin and Asian culture in addition to his engineering courses.

Faculty honor Jeff Lehman for pouring 'heart and soul' into his brief tenure

Jeff Lehman, who resigned June 30 as Cornell's 11th president in June, was honored, along with his wife, Kathy, by Cornell faculty at an Oct. 14 farewell ceremony.

Cornell students take an inside look at the United Nations

A diverse group of 120 Cornell students visited UN headquarters in New York City on Sept. 30, some of them international by citizenship, others by birth and yet others by academic interests.

Costly plant tumors are found by Cornell microbiologist to be result of soil bacterium 'smelling' and entering wound

A common soil bacteria can 'smell' a wound on plants like roses and wine grapevines, which triggers the microbes to copy their DNA many times over and insert them into plant cells, causing tumors associated with crown gall disease, according to new research.

Cornell Council for the Arts announces annual awards

The Cornell Council for the Arts has announced the winners for three awards: 2005-06 Edward R. Murray Scholarship, Undergraduate Student Artist Award and Distinguished Alumni Award.

Cornell holds Oct. 26 cyber security awareness event

Cornell has designated Oct. 26, as Security Awareness Day, part of National Cyber Security Awareness month in October.

Doctors reach out to Katrina victims with shots, prescriptions and care

Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) promptly reached out after Hurricane Katrina pounded the Gulf Coast. WCMC honored its commitment to supporting health care in areas in crisis by mounting a threefold response on behalf of Katrina victims.

Cornell signs research agreement with Japan's genome research institute

Officials from the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan's largest agricultural research institute, signed a memorandum of understanding Oct. 10 to foster research collaborations with Cornell University. (October 18, 2005)

Katie Couric salutes 'heroes' who treat cancer at Jay Monahan Center

'You are the unsung heroes and heroines of our society,' media star Katie Couric, co-anchor of NBC's 'Today' show, said in a moving speech to doctors and other health-care professionals gathered to discuss crucial updates and issues in gastrointestinal cancers.

Cornell Agroforestry Resource Center shows how forest owners can reap cash without harming the environment

The unique Cornell-affiliated Agroforestry Resource Center in the Hudson Valley teaches the region's forest owners how to reap extra cash from their land without necessarily having to cut trees down.

Accelerated MBA program for medical students broadens their horizons amid gorges views

Medical science and business skill are often perceived as being as vastly different as Manhattan gridlock and Ithaca gorges. A new joint-degree, cross-campus program is set upon bridging these worlds.