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Colleges & Schools

The post-Cold War globe is 'A World of Regions'

International relations scholar Peter Katzenstein advocates in his latest book a geopolitical view of the globe as a world of regions organized by American power.

Get me to the class on time: Student's idea does just that

The Neverlate 7-Day Alarm Clock, an invention by Adam Hocherman, an MBA student at Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management, promises to get students to class on time every day of the week. The

CU researcher explains how newborns' exposure to toxic substances could be behind sharp rises in asthma, allergies and lupus

The real dangers from environmental toxicants most likely occur early in life, said Rod Dietert, professor of immunotoxicology at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine.

Economic link between vanishing languages and poverty to be explored at linguistics conference, Oct. 14-16

A three-day conference at Cornell, Oct. 14-16, will highlight the complex interconnections of language and poverty for a general audience, and promote exchange at both theoretical and practical levels among linguists and scholars.

Cornell vehicle eliminated from DARPA Challenge

Cornell's entry performed beautifully in the DARPA Grand Challenge, as far as it went, but was eliminated after only nine miles due to a software weakness, the team reported.

Bethe lecturer will explain -- and demonstrate -- workings of atomic-scale microscopy

Donald M Eigler, a physicist at IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., presents the 2005 Hans Bethe lecture, 'Life Among the Atoms: A Celebration of the Small Frontier.'

Why people do what they do day-to-day -- they're not just driven by their economic interest, says 'Interest'

In the new book called 'Interest,' Cornell sociologist Richard Swedberg traces the intellectual history of the concept of interest and argues that how economists have used the concept is too narrow a view.

Alice Pell named director of international development institute

Alice Pell, international professor of animal science, was named director of the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development, effective July 1.

Marc Zawel, former Cornell Daily Sun editor, untangles the Ivy League Oct. 13

Marc Zawel, former managing editor of the Cornell Daily Sun, will return to his alma mater Thursday, Oct. 13, to talk about the national release of his first published work.

'The China Challenge' topic of inaugural public lecture by historian of nation's relations with U.S.

The launch of the China and Asia-Pacific Studies program, Cornell's pioneering new undergraduate major, will be celebrated with a lecture by Chen Jian.

Not knowing what we don't know leads to bad decision making, says Cornell study

Not being aware of our errors of omission is one reason why we're such poor judges about ourselves, says Cornell Professor David Dunning.

Long-term use of non-cox-2-specific nsaids halves odds for oral cancer but doubles cardiovascular death risk, collaborative study finds

An analysis of 20 years of data on the health of over 900 adults has found that long-term use of traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, cuts the risk for oral cancer in smokers by half.