Infosys founder Murthy says entrepreneurs make 'the possibly impossible happen'

Entrepreneurship can transform the world and lift people out of poverty, said N.R. Narayana Murthy, speaking on campus Sept. 10. But an entrepreneur needs leadership and courage. (Sept. 12, 2012)

U.S. News ranks engineering physics No. 1 in country; Cornell is No. 14 in QS World University rankings

U.S. News and World Report ranked Cornell first in the country among undergraduate engineering science/engineering physics programs. Cornell was also ranked No. 14 worldwide by QS. (Sept. 12, 2012)

Bartels lecturer examines status of women worldwide

Michelle Bachelet, a former president of Chile and an undersecretary general at the UN, spoke on women's political empowerment Sept. 4.

Former president of Chile to give Bartels lecture

The former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, now a United Nations undersecretary general and executive director of UN Women, will lecture on 'Women and the New Development Paradigm' Sept. 4. (Aug. 27, 2012)

Cornell helps scale up 'green' rice production in West Africa

Cornell's SRI-Rice Center is helping West African countries scale-up their environmentally friendly, highly productive rice cropping methods. (Aug. 13, 2012)

New bird discovered by alumni is named for John Fitzpatrick

A new bird species in Peru was discovered by young Cornell graduates, who named it in honor of Cornell Lab of Ornithology Executive Director John W. Fitzpatrick. (Aug. 7, 2012)

Design students' vision to help grow European Web ventures

A concept devised this spring by Cornell students to provide a support network for budding online entrepreneurs is on its way to becoming a reality in Europe. (Aug. 6, 2012)

Grant funds partnership between International Programs and Indian ag institutions

The U.S.-India Educational Foundation has awarded $250,000 to allow Cornell's International Programs to partner with agricultural universities in India.

Rudy Nazitto '13 earns oncology fellowship in Spain

The human biology, health and society major in Cornell's College of Human Ecology has been awarded an oncology research fellowship at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center. (May 30, 2012)