Undergrad marshals resources to build school in Haiti

Community engagement is the key for an energetic team of Cornell undergraduates working to build an inclusive-education school in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.

Things to Do, May 16-23

Events this week include Mayfest chamber music concerts, student films, a lecture on dinosaurs, a 'Cosmos' campus screening, a Science Cabaret on fertility and a wellness celebration.

Students learn straight from the horse's mouth

Veterinary students in the Equine Specialty Rotation spent the week of May 5 working on equine dentistry to train them for real-world jobs when they graduate.

Engaged Learning + Research Faculty Fellows named

Eleven faculty members from nine Cornell departments have been named Engaged Learning + Research Faculty Fellows for 2014.

Reunioners can revel in new ice cream flavor

For their 60th reunion, David and Mary Call helped create a new flavor of ice cream at the Cornell Dairy Bar. Big Red Reunion Revel features a white chocolate, cherry swirl and chocolate chunks.

CCMR symposium to explore nanoscale spin

Recent advances in measuring and controlling nanoscale spin systems is the theme of this year’s Cornell Center for Materials Research symposium, May 20.

Teens kindle leadership and life skills at 4-H summit

Nearly 300 middle school and high school 4-H members gathered in Syracuse last month at a three-day summit about learning leadership and life skills at fun-filled workshops.

Johnson's green fund to help combat climate change

The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management’s Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise has launched a green revolving fund to enhance energy conservation efforts in campus buildings.

Rowers, design students fashion retro uniforms

Big Red men's heavyweight rowers are sporting new swag after partnering with Cornell fiber science and apparel design graduate students to create retro practice uniforms.