World-renowned designer of spacecraft technology to speak at Cornell

Michael Malin, a world- renowned geomorphologist and Mars expert, will present a talk at Cornell Oct. 13 on the latest discoveries made by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. Malin's talk, hosted by the Cornell astronomy department.

Filmmakers and experts discuss issues Oct. 22-28 at Cornell Environmental Film Festival

From disappearing frogs and Alaskan fisheries to Gypsy herbs and West African deforestation, filmmakers will talk about their artistic visions at the third annual Environmental Film Festival Oct. 22-28.

Former UN official says sanctions against Iraq amount to 'genocide'

Nine years of United Nations economic sanctions against Iraq have created genocidal conditions and should be eliminated, Denis Halliday, a former UN official, told a Cornell audience last week.

Collegetown cleanup by residents and students is set for Oct. 2

Cornell students, including members of fraternities and sororities, and Collegetown residents will clean up the streets of Collegetown Saturday, Oct. 2.

College and Community Expo '99 kicks off on the Commons this Saturday

The Ithaca Downtown Partnership, in conjunction with Cornell, Ithaca College and Tompkins-Cortland Community College, is sponsoring a new, annual event — College and Community Expo — on the Ithaca Commons this weekend.

Duke's Barbara Herrnstein Smith to deliver University Lecture on evolutionary psychology, Sept. 27

Barbara Herrnstein Smith of Duke University will deliver a University Lecture at Cornell titled "Sewing Up the Mind: The Claims of Evolutionary Psychology," Monday, Sept. 27, at 4:30 p.m.

GTE CEO Charles Lee will give annual Hatfield address Sept. 23

Charles R. Lee, chairman and chief executive officer of GTE Corp., will deliver this year's Hatfield address at Cornell University on Thursday, Sept. 23, at 4:30 p.m. in Schwartz Auditorium of Rockefeller Hall.

Cornell ILR School opens New York City think tank and part-time graduate program

Cornell's School of Industrial and Labor Relations is opening a New York City institute and think tank to study the changing issues of the workplace.

Cornell University offers expert comments on E. coli outbreak

In recent days New York state has faced a major outbreak of illness, and a fatality, caused by the E. coli O157:H7 bacterium. The bacterium is believed to have been spread through infected well water.