Astronomer Martha Haynes took an alumni audience on a trip through the universe at the Reunion 2013 lecture, "Our Cosmic History and a New View of our Origins" in Lewis Auditorium in Goldwin Smith Hall June 7.
Partisanship and bureaucratic fragmentation are major challenges today's U.S. foreign policy, professors said during the discussion "America and the World," June 7 during Reunion.
President David Skorton promoted Cornell's faculty renewal initiative and cited several new faculty hires in his State of the University Address June 8 to alumni and friends during Reunion Weekend.
Associate professor of Africana studies Noliwe Rooks advocated adoption of a second Emancipation Proclamation to ensure U.S. racial integrations at a June 7 Reunion talk.
Cornell historian Fredrik Logevall outlined how the Vietnam War happened and the lessons the war teaches today in his Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Lecture June 7 during Cornell Reunion 2013.
More than 100 alumni and guests from the classes of 1938, ’43, ’48 and 2008 gathered at “The Spirit of ’31: Passing It Forward” ceremony June 6 on campus.
Reunion 2013, for the Classes of 3s and 8s, will see alumni celebrating their fifth to 75th Reunions, from the Class of 1938 to the Class of 2008, as well as members of the Classes of 2013 and 2012 attending for Reunion Zero and Reunion One.