Veterinary Open House April 12. 1997 at Cornell offers close-up of animals, animal doctors and techniques that heal

A behind-the-scenes tour of the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine awaits visitors at the college's annual open house, Saturday, April 12, 1997 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Each spring, students in Cornell's DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) program host an open house of college facilities. This year's event will be the 31st to demonstrate the veterinary education experience while bringing visitors face to face with many of the animals veterinarians care for. Admission and parking are free for the open house.

"Our open house gives the whole family -- adults and children -- a chance to see what veterinarians and veterinary students do," said Charles Mecenas, a second-year student and one of two co-chairs for the event.

Exhibits and demonstration include veterinary dentistry, surgical preparation, cow-milking, baby farm animals, an anatomically painted horse and cow, a parrot exhibit, a reptile exhibit, examples of modern technology in veterinary medicine, and a trip through more than 100 years of veterinary medical history.

"The open house is our way of demonstrating to the community our commitment to both animal and human populations," said Dave Rockwell, a second year student and co-chair of the event.

For those interested in careers in veterinary medicine, college personnel will be on hand with admissions information. New this year will be a Teddy Bear ER unit, with Cornell veterinary students repairing "injured" stuffed animals with the latest techniques in veterinary surgery. Visitors are invited to bring a teddy bear patient.

Easy parking is available in the "O" lot on Tower Road, near the intersection with Route 366, with an entrance to the open house through the Veterinary Medical Center.

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