Temple Grandin to lecture on animal behavior, autism and welfare auditing, Feb. 15

Temple Grandin, renowned designer of humane livestock facilities and associate professor of animal science at Colorado State University, will speak on "Animal Behavior, Autism and Welfare Auditing," Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 7 p.m. in Statler Auditorium. Admission is free, but tickets are required and can be obtained at the Willard Straight Hall ticket office.

Grandin, a Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of '56 Professor at Cornell, is one of the few experts on animal welfare who is respected by animal rights activists as well as politicians and corporate officials in industry and agriculture. She also has written and lectured about her struggles with autism.

"People concerned about animal welfare, animal researchers, animal caretakers and students, faculty and staff who have interest in autism and other neurological diseases have a keen desire to learn from Temple Grandin," said Joe Regenstein, professor of food science and Grandin's faculty host. "Her insights and perspectives are unique and invaluable to many as part of our community of learning."

Grandin is one of the subjects of "An Anthropologist on Mars," a book by Oliver Sacks, an A.D. White Professor at Large at Cornell.

"Temple brings a unique set of insights into the world of animals -- as someone who is autistic, she sees herself between the world of animals and the world of people," said Regenstein. "Her years of unique contact with animal agriculture around the world, her tenure as a university professor and her leadership of an equipment design company have contributed to Temple's having the broadest view of the animal science-animal welfare world. She has literally dedicated her entire life to these areas and is recognized as the world's expert."

Grandin has appeared on such television shows as "20/20," "CNN Larry King Live" and the "Today" show. She has been heard on National Public Radio and has been featured in People magazine, The New York Times, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Time magazine and Discover magazine. She also has authored over 300 articles in both scientific journals and livestock periodicals on animal handling, welfare and facility design.

While on campus Grandin also will meet with faculty and students. For more on Grandin's background visit http://www.grandin.com.

Rhodes Class of '56 Professorships are awarded for a period of one to five years, and appointees are considered full members of the Cornell faculty.


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