Community meetings seek input on transportation needs

Current construction projects, increasing campus congestion and traffic streaming through surrounding neighborhoods signify growth for Cornell University. But university administrators and the town of Ithaca want to manage that growth responsibly, and they want ideas from people living off and around the Ithaca campus on how to do it.

During the next week, campus and area municipal leaders will host meetings to get ideas on managing traffic and limiting the use of vehicles on campus, particularly those with just a driver.

"We're not expecting to tell people much," said David Lieb, assistant director for public information for Cornell's Transportation and Mail Services. "We're there to listen."

The meetings are slated for:

The resident-focused forums will help form a transportation-focused Generic Environmental Impact Statement, or t-GEIS. The document will help planners devise better ways to deal with the impacts of increased traffic on surrounding neighborhoods over the next decade.

"We just want to mobilize people to come out and participate," Lieb said.

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Joe Schwartz