Ann Lemley is elected fellow of Agrochemicals Division of the American Chemical Society

Ann Lemley, professor and chair of the Department of Fiber Science and Apparel in the College of Human Ecology, has been elected a fellow of the Agrochemicals Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) "for outstanding contributions in the endeavors of the division and in the science of agrochemistry."

Lemley has been a member of the division since 1982 and has served as vice chair (1998), program chair (1999), division chair (2000) and nominations chair (2001) and as a member of the executive committee for three different terms. She has been a regular contributor to papers and posters at national ACS meetings.

Lemley, who joined the Cornell faculty in 1980 (after previously serving as a research and teaching assistant, postdoctoral fellow and a lecturer at Cornell), earned her B.A. degree (1966) at St. John's University and her M.S. (1970) and Ph.D. (1971), both in chemistry, at Cornell.

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