Cornell United Way celebrates participants, recordbreaking

The Cornell United Way Campaign raised more than $811,000 -- the largest amount Cornell has ever raised -- exceeding its goal of $790,000 and making it possible for the county to exceed its goal of $2,111,111.11, reported Paul Streeter and Bill Fry, co-chairs of the 2011-12 Cornell United Way Campaign, May 13 at a celebration event in the Harkness Room, Lynah Rink.

Streeter also noted the tremendous success of this year's Cornell Student United Way (SUW), thanking co-chairs Nathaniel Houghton '11 and Jessica Zhao '12 for their leadership, under which the Cornell SUW recently received the inaugural United Way Worldwide Student United Way Campus Organization of the Year award in Orlando, Fla.

He also recognized the women's hockey team, which, Streeter said, helped create excitement and awareness about the United Way campaign.

In thanking Fry for his co-chairmanship of the campaign, Streeter noted he will continue as campaign chair for 2012-13, as Fry has recently taken on additional academic responsibilities that will make it impractical for him to assume the campaign chair role.

Megan Cole, chief program and information services officer of the United Way of Tompkins County (UWTC), congratulated Streeter on having received the Patricia E. Stage Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award at the UWTC annual campaign victory celebration and volunteer appreciation breakfast, May 3, at the Moakley House in Ithaca.

County campaign co-chairs Nancy and Alan Pedersen and Trudy and Larry Baum presented the award to Streeter for his contributions to the success of the 2010-11 UWTC campaign. Streeter commented that the award is really an honor for the entire Cornell United Way Campaign Ambassador group, as their energy, creativity and commitment made the campaign a success.

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Joe Schwartz