Benjamin Piekut wins outstanding article award

Assistant professor of music Benjamin Piekut has won the 2011 Outstanding Article Award from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), for "Deadness: Technologies of the Intermundane" (co-authored with Jason Stanyek, in The Drama Review, Spring 2010).

"By foregrounding questions of agency produced through posthumous duets, Jason Stanyek and Benjamin Piekut brilliantly extend debates in theatre and performance studies about liveness, presence, archives, remains, temporality, history, and futurity into new realms," the award citation says.

In the article, Piekut and Stanyek investigate the ubiquitous phenomenon of posthumous duets in popular music -- or, as they call them, "intermundane collaborations" -- to make broader claims about the nature of technologically mediated agency, corporeality and labor. They accepted the award at ATHE's annual meeting in Chicago on Aug. 11.

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Syl Kacapyr