$50 New York City bus trips available on upcoming dates

For $50, Cornell faculty, staff and their guests can take a round trip to New York City on Saturdays, March 10, April 14, May 5 and June 2, thanks to arrangements between the Cornell Recreation Connection (CRC) and Swarthout Coaches.

Registration will be through Swarthout at 607-257-2277. Registrants will be asked for their Cornell Net ID.

Payment is due at the time of reservation; credit cards are accepted. If you pay by check, your reservation will be accepted on the date that Swarthout receives your check in their office.

Seats are assigned and filled from the front to the back of the bus as payment is received; registrants will receive an email confirmation that will serve as the boarding pass for the trip.

"The CRC trips to New York City have always been popular," says Cheryl McGraw, events manager for the Division of Human Resources and Safety Services. "I encourage those who are interested to get their tickets early."


Media Contact

Joe Schwartz