Hiring people with disabilities benefits 'green' industries
By Anna Carver
Green-economy jobs hold promise for people with disabilities, and inclusion practices would also improve the outlook in this growing sector, according to new research from the ILR School’s Employment and Disability Institute.
A focused effort to engage and train people with disabilities in green fields would bring “a diverse, talented and largely untapped portion of the U.S. workforce” into the emerging economy, says the report, “The Green Economy and Job Creation: Inclusion of People With Disabilities in the USA,” published in the International Journal of Green Economics (Vol.7, No.3).
In the report, ILR Associate Dean Susanne Bruyère, the institute’s director, and researcher David Filiberto detail steps industry and others could take to help level the green-employment field.
An increase in green occupations was spurred by the Great Recession that began in 2008, by climate change awareness and by the trajectory to develop jobs in the anticipated low-carbon economy, the researchers said.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics defines green jobs as positions in which workers’ duties involve making production processes more environmentally friendly and less dependent on natural resources. According to a 2013 analysis by the bureau, there were 3.4 million green jobs in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011. Twelve percent of Americans report one or more disabilities, and only one in about every three Americans with disabilities is employed.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded Pathways Out of Poverty grants and Energy Training Partnership grants. Both programs provide green job training for individuals with disabilities, displaced workers and others, the researchers said.
According to the Bruyère and Filiberto study, misconceptions about the capabilities of people with disabilities are often cited as the reason why employers don’t hire those with disabilities.
Efforts to make green careers available and accessible to people with disabilities will ultimately benefit not only employees, but also employers, according to the report.
Employers would be “expanding their pools of talent, skills and creative business solutions,” Bruyère said.
New markets become accessible when people with disabilities are employed, and research has proven customers prefer to patronize businesses that employ people with disabilities, she said.
Recommendations by Bruyère and Filiberto to include more people with disabilities in green occupations include the application of strict standards for funding green industry training providers; creating an inventory of current training programs to address potential gaps; development of a federal partnership with green industry employers that includes hiring agreements and career advancement options; and tools and training manuals to provide funders, counselors and people with disabilities better information about the green industry job market.
Anna Carver, MMH ’15, writes for the ILR School Communications and Marketing Department.
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