Town Hall to be held Oct. 24 on academic and event scheduling

A town hall meeting will be held Oct. 24, 1-2 p.m., in 226 Weill Hall to discuss a cross-divisional project that has been undertaken to replace the current academic and events scheduling system, R25.

This project was initiated based on the late President Garrett's survey to determine areas of administrative burden, which identified facilities inventory management and reservations as one of the top four areas for improvement.

The town hall meeting will address:

  • the vendor for the new academic and events scheduling system;
  • the goals of the project;
  • impacts on campus users; and
  • the timeline for implementation.

Those who schedule events or are academic schedulers are encouraged to attend.

Members of the project will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns.

Or you can attend the meeting by logging in to this Zoom meeting:

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For more information on this training, visit the Zoom service page.

Media Contact

Lindsey Knewstub