Expanding Your Horizons '05 reaches out to middle school girls

"Fishy Business," "Itty Bitty Pictures" and "Plants Can Breathe" have one thing in common: they were a few of the many hands-on workshops at Expanding Your Horizons, an annual conference at Cornell that encourages girls in grades 7 to 9 to explore careers in science and technology.

Attention parents: Cornell University Police hosts child safety seat event, April 23

Many well-intentioned parents dutifully buckle their youngsters into seat belts and car seats designed for children. But some youngsters are too small for seat belts -- and not every car seat is safe or legal for children to use.

Dennis Ross, former ambassador and negotiator, presents lecture, 'Finding the Missing Peace? The Middle East in 2005,' on April 27

Dennis B. Ross, the former U.S. ambassador and Washington's chief peace negotiator in the Middle East, will discuss "Finding the Missing Peace? The Middle East in 2005," this year's Bartels World Affairs Fellowship lecture.

Maker of anthrax vaccine discusses challenges of marketing overseas

On March 9, MBA students taking International Political Risk Management, a course taught by Elena Iankova, a lecturer at the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, heard Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and CEO of Bioport's parent company, Emergent BioSolutions Inc., discuss the hurdles his firm faces in making and marketing its products abroad.

Bulgarian Ambassador Elena Poptodorova is visiting campus and delivering public lectures

The Honorable Elena Poptodorova, the ambassador from the Republic of Bulgaria to the United States, is visiting the Cornell campus this week to deliver public lectures and meet with community members, university students, faculty members and administrators.

Cornell students put together health kits covering sexual-health needs and problems for women going abroad

Cornell students put together health kits covering sexual-health needs and problems for women going abroad.

At Law School, Bulgarian ambassador to U.S. says checks and balances make democracy work

How do former dictatorial regimes become democracies? They begin by reshaping the laws that govern society, said Elena Poptodorova to a roomful of law students in G85 Myron Taylor Hall, Feb. 11.

Asians' switch to Western diet might bring Western-type diseases, new China-Taiwan study suggests

The long-term health benefits to Chinese and other Asian people who have traditionally existed on a primarily plant-based diet might be lost as more people in Asia switch to a Western-style diet that is rich in animal-based foods.

On its first American tour, the Zimbabwe Group Leaders Mbira Ensemble will give a free concert

This weekend, the Department of Music is presenting two concerts to celebrate world music at Cornell. Both events are free and open to the public. (Oct. 14, 1999)