Cornell partners in $30M grant to build better networks

A team including Cornell researchers will build a fully programmable computer network in order to bolster internet security and help fuel innovation.

Alumnus connects people of color in computer science

After co-leading Underrepresented Minorities in Computing at Cornell, Jehron Petty '20 set out to boost representation of Blacks and Latinos in computer science and engineering nationwide.


‘Fairmandering’ draws fair districts using data science

A new mathematical method developed by Cornell researchers aims to inject fairness into the fraught process of political redistricting.

Who is Don Greenberg, and why is he pixelated?

In five decades of teaching and research, Don Greenberg ’55 has won many prestigious computer graphics awards, while focusing on the skills architecture students need to keep pace.

You Can Make it Happen: Fall 2020

You Can Make it Happen: makers in information science, music on the Arts Quad, conservation of an important work of art, and digitization of campus activism collection.


Using microbes, scientists aim to extract rare-earth elements

A U.S. Department of Energy agency has awarded $1 million to Cornell researchers, who are using programmed microbes to mine rare-earth minerals used in consumer electronics and advanced renewable energy.

Study reveals key course features that draw diverse students

A field study conducted by Cornell researchers showed that the way courses are presented online is related to participation by historically underrepresented students.

Earphone tracks facial expressions, even with a face mask

Cornell researchers have invented an earphone that can continuously track full facial expressions – and translate them into emojis or silent speech commands.

Klarman fellow examines tech policy via social science

Baobao Zhang’s three-year Klarman Postdoctoral Fellowship in the College of Arts and Sciences is an opportunity to research technology policy, particularly on the governance of emerging technologies such as AI.