Milstein Hall earns LEED Gold certification

With its innovative sustainable design features including chilled beams, radiant heating and a green roof, Milstein Hall has received LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. (Aug. 23, 2012)

Cornell is first Ivy to be certified for sustainable seafood

Cornell Dining will serve sustainably certified seafood in two eateries, with plans to expand the program to all campus dining outlets by 2015. (Aug. 16, 2012)

Noise cuts whale communications in Northeast sanctuary

Cornell was part of a study that has found that background noise, mainly from ships, has cut the ability of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales to communicate by about two-thirds. (Aug. 16, 2012)

Student-run vineyard is certified organic

A block of about 500 grapevines at Cornell Orchards - a little more than half an acre - is now certified organic by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York. (Aug. 14, 2012)

Cornell helps scale up 'green' rice production in West Africa

Cornell's SRI-Rice Center is helping West African countries scale-up their environmentally friendly, highly productive rice cropping methods. (Aug. 13, 2012)

Willow grant could speed development of promising bioenergy crop

Cornell has received $1.37 million to study the genetics of superior growth in hybrids of shrub willow, a fast-growing, perennial cool-climate woody plant.

Impact of nanotechnology heard globally at online briefing

Some of Cornell's leading nanoscience researchers expounded on the promises and challenges of their fields during a mostly virtual online briefing for journalists July 20.

Dairy researchers identify bacterial spoilers in milk

Research has identified the predominant spore-forming bacteria in milk and their unique enzyme activity, knowledge that can now be used to protect the quality and shelf life of dairy products. (July 17, 2012)

New guide offers organic farmers tips for storing produce

The new and free 2012 Production Guide for Storage of Organic Fruits and Vegetables offers organic farmers tips for storing produce.