Seed grants foster collaboration across Cornell campuses

The funding will support preliminary disease-related research, in the latest in a series of efforts to create new opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

Mouse pups cry for help most urgently while active

Cornell researchers found a link between the rate of ultrasonic vocalizations in mouse pups and their activity levels, which is important for understanding mouse models of communication disorders, including autism spectrum disorder. 

Better digital tools could help immigrants access benefits

A Cornell research team identified barriers to immigrants’ use of online resources that could help them access health and legal benefits, and recommended solutions they incorporated into a new website, Rights for Health.

U.S. academia won’t achieve faculty diversity at current pace

Researchers from the Department of Communication state that at the current rate of diversification, U.S. colleges and universities will never achieve racial parity that’s on par with the rest of the country, but that steps can be taken to make it happen.

Are we there yet? Time slows down on a crowded train

Testing time perception in an unusually lifelike setting – a virtual reality ride on a New York City subway train – an interdisciplinary Cornell research team found that crowding makes time seem to pass more slowly.

Sean and Holly Olson establish a fund as “an investment in the world we want to see”

Holly and Sean Olson have established the Olson Family Strategic Initiatives Fund at the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy to help create the world they want to live in.

Around Cornell

Student prods COP27 to include youth in climate solutions

Kehkashan Basu, an MBA student at the Johnson School, hopes to kindle positive global change. She moderated the first roundtable meeting between government officials and youth at COP27.

Personal sensing at work: tracking burnout, balancing privacy

Personal sensing data could help monitor and alleviate stress among resident physicians, although privacy concerns over who sees the information and for what purposes must be addressed, according to collaborative research from Cornell Tech.

Marketization in Europe worsens worker conditions

A new book explores how European markets function, who creates, shapes and organizes them, and what they mean for the relationship between labor and capital.