Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Wansink accepts 14-month appointment as executive director of USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Brian Wansink, Cornell's John S. Dyson Professor of Marketing, will take a leave of absence to serve as the executive director of the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion until January 2009. (Nov. 20, 2007)

$400,000 NSF grant will aid sharing of raw research data

Mann Library has been awarded a three-year, $400,000 grant by the National Science Foundation to make digital scientific data available to other academic and government repositories. (Nov. 20, 2007)

Historic hockey rivals Cornell and Boston to face-off at Madison Square Garden, Nov. 24

Two historically fierce rivals -- the Cornell and Boston University hockey teams -- face off at Madison Square Garden Nov. 24. The game will be broadcast online for a fee and via satellite. (Nov. 20, 2007)

CU study: Lead levels even well below U.S. standard <br />may affect brain function in children

Even amounts of lead in the blood well below the current federal standard are linked to reduced IQ scores in children, finds a new six-year Cornell study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. (Nov. 20, 2007)

Cold-weather clothing drive set to 'Share the Warmth'

Cornell and Ithaca-area communities can help others cope with the oncoming cold by contributing new and used outerwear to the 15th Annual 'Share the Warmth' campaign through Dec. 2. (Nov. 19, 2007)

Trauma may alter the stress response, even in healthy people, Cornell study shows

Cornell researchers report that rapes, sudden deaths of loved ones, life-threatening accidents and other such traumas may result in long-term changes in the stress response in some people, even if they don't have post-traumatic stress disorder. (Nov. 19, 2007)

American Indian Program volunteer tutors help <br />Native American high school students succeed

Students, staff and faculty in Cornell's American Indian Program are helping high school students in LaFayette Central Schools to succeed, with a weekly tutoring program. (Nov. 19, 2007)

Birth control pill pioneer and Cornell zoologist <br />Sam Leonard dies at age 101

Samuel Leeson Leonard, Cornell professor emeritus of zoology, died Nov. 12. He is known for discovering that estrogen could be used as a contraceptive -- the finding that led to the creation of the birth control pill. (Nov. 19, 2007)

Two Cornell Ph.D. students receive Intel fellowships

Michael Clarkson in computer science and Rajeev Dokania in electrical and computer engineering have received prestigious Intel Foundation Fellowships. (Nov. 19, 2007)

'Black Athena' story was limited in scope

To the editor:The Oct. 18 article in the Cornell Chronicle by intern Sam Warren '07, "Martin Bernal revisits 'Black Athena' controversy in lecture," is a valiant effort by a young scholar of limited experience to…

Former Pakistani ambassador warns of threat to his country from fundamentalists

'If what happened in Burma happens in Pakistan, we will face a greater threat from fundamentalists, which will be a greater danger,' warned Mansoor Alam, former Pakistani ambassador, speaking on campus, Nov. 14. (Nov. 16, 2007)

Uganda leader and physician-farmer says Africa needs fewer bureaucrats, more research to make lives better

Speciosa Wandira, vice president of Uganda from 1994 to 2003, gave an unusually blunt appraisal about the state of her country and her region while speaking on campus Nov. 14. (Nov. 16, 2007)