Hip-hop engineer talks tech careers at STEM event

Sound engineer for highly successful recording artists Gimel “Young Guru” Keaton spoke Feb. 1 at the STEM Men of Color “Access to Knowledge and Empowerment” Symposium.

Cornell junior brings change home to Nigeria

Kelechi Umoga ’15 spent this past summer leading the construction of a health care clinic in the Jeida village of Abuja, Nigeria.

NPR's Michele Norris to give MLK lecture

NPR host, journalist, and race-relations expert Michele Norris, author of the best-selling "The Grace of Silence," will give the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture Feb. 4.

Workshop addresses subtle acts of exclusion

An Inclusive Excellence Academy workshop for all employees Jan. 15, in support of the Toward New Destinations initiative, discusses subtle ways in which people are made to feel ignored, devalued and excluded.

Teatrotaller marks 20 years of Spanish theater

Spanish-language theater group Teatrotaller celebrates its 20th year of producing works by American and international Latino writers.

Community events celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.

Kirby Edmonds, a Dorothy Cotton Institute senior fellow, will present the keynote address at a luncheon, Jan. 20, at Beverly J. Martin Elementary School. Librada Paz, council member of the western New York for the Rural and Migrant Ministry, will give an afternoon keynote at Ithaca College.

VP Elmira Mangum named president of Florida A&M

Elmira Mangum, Cornell's vice president for budget and planning, has been named the 11th president of Florida A&M University. She will be the university's first woman president.

Robotics for girls: A grad student's perspective

Physics graduate student Robin Bjorkquist writes about recruiting girls into STEM fields via involvement in a FIRST LEGO League robotics team.

Men's 'overwork' widens gender gap in wages

If men keep "overworking," the gender gap in wages will never shrink, Cornell and Indiana sociologists worry.