Fabrication of powerful telescope begins

Fabrication of the Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope-prime, a powerful telescope capable of mapping the sky at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths, has begun.

Students spark Ghanaian high schoolers’ interest in computer science

A team of students and faculty has organized a coding program to inspire interest in computer science among high schoolers in Ghana, where students must choose majors before they enter university and can’t switch once they’re enrolled.

Grants help graduate students to do research around the world

Twenty-six Cornell graduate students have won more than $42,000 in fall 2018 Research Travel Grants, which provide students up to $2,000 to conduct thesis or dissertation research.

Rethinking revenues at health care nonprofits

A new study by Sachin Gupta upends the conventional thinking about revenue streams at health care nonprofits. His new study suggests outreach clinics aimed at poor patients attract paying patients as well.

GM eggplant can reduce pesticide use in Bangladesh

Replicated field trials comparing genetically modified eggplant with their non-GM counterparts in Bangladesh have confirmed the Bt gene confers almost total protection against pests.

eLab students pitch to NYC business leaders

An annual New York City pitch event gave 15 eLab student teams their first chance to share business ideas in front of a crowd Nov. 8.

Cornell-EDF team looks to Iceland fisheries for sustainable insights

Iceland’s fisheries management system is being studied as a roadmap for sustainable development of marine resources that can withstand climate change.

Cornell faculty, leadership begin to tackle grand challenges

Global Grand Challenges Symposium brought together faculty, administrators and guests to discuss challenges on which Cornell should place emphasis and resources in 2019-2020.

Study reveals natural solutions to combat climate change

Annual greenhouse gas emissions from all U.S. vehicles could be absorbed by forests, wetlands and agricultural lands, according to new research.