In the News

CNN Business

“These winter storms are unfortunately going to add delays to an already strained supply chain,” says Miguel Gómez, professor of applied economics. “I do think shoppers will see out-of-stocks in stores for certain grocery products.” 

The New York Times

“The country as a whole will benefit from not stranding human capital,” says Erica Groshen, senior labor market advisor. 

CBS News

“Even though the population seems like it’s recovered, some perturbation could come along that could cause eagles to decline again,” says Krysten Schuler, senior author on the study and assistant research professor in public and ecosystem health. 


“In this story, her emphasis on the plight of two girls – Twyla and Roberta – prompts readers to consider their material conditions and the forms of neglect that they have experienced, regardless of who they are, and to recognize, question and challenge such systems,” says Riché Richardson, professor of African American literature. “‘Recitatif’ reminds us of what people share, the common denominators that connect us to others, regardless of our differences.” 

The Washington Post

“Models are predicting what’s normal in a world that isn’t normal,” says Erica Groshen, senior labor market advisor. 

Associated Press

The radical changes in our economy that are required for reaching low climate goals have not been achieved,” says Natalie Mahowald, professor in engineering. “Unfortunately, what we are seeing today is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we will see unless substantial reductions in emissions are made and quickly.” 

The Washington Post

“There are some people at Treasury, all the way to the top, that have a very strong analytical bent and recognize there is something to the notion that the lack of contestability in certain markets has driven up prices, but also think that it’s hard to imagine that’s a significant factor in the current surge,” says Eswar Prasad, professor of economics and international trade policy. 


“In any other climate Democrats would be crowing about the fact that even under Mitch McConnell they passed a historic, sweeping, bipartisan bill to create jobs and rebuild our infrastructure,” says Steve Israel, director of the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs.


Cornell researchers have developed a way to screen patients for prostate cancer with the prick of a finger.


“All work is work and all work is dignified,” says Patricia Campos-Medina, executive director of The Worker Institute at Cornell. “All work produces value for our economy.”

Financial Times

“Beijing is discovering the huge costs of rectifying imbalances in a sector that it had long relied upon to prop up growth, boost local government revenues and contribute to household wealth accumulation,” says Eswar Prasad, professor of economics and international trade policy. 


“All signs point to an accelerated disintegration,” says Peter Washam, research associate with the Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science.