Hospitality, Health and Design Symposium Oct. 9-11

Scholars and industry leaders are expected at the Cornell Hospitality, Health and Design Symposium, Oct. 9-11, which will examine relationships among hospitality, health care, senior living, design.

Student-developed drink Yojito 'pops' in national competition

A team of Cornell food science students developed a new beverage called Yojito that combines the smooth texture of drinkable yogurt with mint-flavored pearls that pop in the mouth.

White Coat Ceremony: a medical journey begins

One hundred six students in Weill Cornell Medicine's Class of 2020 received their white coats at the annual White Coat Ceremony Aug. 16.

Newly discovered bacterium named for Martin Wiedmann

To honor a Cornell researcher who keeps our food supply safe, a recently discovered spoilage bacterium has been named for Martin Wiedmann.

At 45, ex-detective shifts investigation skills to medicine

Former NYC police investigator Christian Saffran is beginning his first year in the Tri-Institutional M.D.-Ph.D. Program to follow his dream of becoming a physician scientist.

Cornell builds bridges with Qatari 'doctors of the future'

The Ithaca campus and Weill Cornell Medicine-New York welcomed three young guests recently: high school students from Qatar, visiting the United States for the first time to get a sneak peek into the world of academic medicine.

Study looks at diet to assess link of heart disease, metabolite

A Cornell study reports new results that raise questions about whether a common dietary metabolite, called TMAO, causes heart disease or whether it is simply a biomarker of developing disease.

If smoker has COPD, quitting might not help lung function

Quitting cigarettes may not improve smokers' lung function if they have already begun to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to new research from Weill Cornell Medicine.

Research links metabolism to inflammatory response

An enzyme that stimulates the breakdown of fats in immune cells helps trigger inflammation, or an immune response to pathogens, a new study by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers suggests.