Three elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Faculty members Kenneth Kemphues, genetics; John Lis, molecular biology and genetics; and Sandra Vehrencamp, neurobiology and behavior, were among 198 new members elected.

Geneva greenhouses to get $4.7 million upgrade

The two-year project, which begins in May and was funded by money released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, will reconstruct 21,000 square feet of greenhouses at NYSAES. Improvements will boost research capacity and optimize energy efficiency.

Biochar reduces nasty nitrous oxide emissions on farms

In the quest to decrease the world's greenhouse gases, Cornell scientists have discovered that biochar reduces the nemesis nitrous oxide from agricultural soil on average by about 55 percent and stanches emissions into the atmosphere.

Discovery could revolutionize immunization

New research shows that small populations of preprogrammed immune cells are innate and can fight specific pathogens that they have never encountered.

Returning cicadas become smorgasbord for predators

Worry not, they don't bite. After a 16-year slumber underground, the 17-year cicadas – with their raucous rib-rendered buzz – return this spring, says Cole Gilbert, associate professor of entomology.

Undergrads unveil science savvy at 28th research forum

Showing their scientific savvy, about 140 undergraduates described their studies at the 28th Annual Spring Research Forum at Duffield Hall April 17.

Researchers digest how gut 'bugs' affect health

Cornell is part of a $2 million National Science Foundation grant to study the bacteria in the human gut.

Micro transistor prototypes made at Cornell map the mind

Mind mapping: Building on prototypes developed at the Cornell NanoScale Facility, French scientists have produced the world's first microscopic transistors that can amplify signals from within the brain.

Scientists develop world's smallest drug deliverer

'Cornell Dots' may not only help light up cancer cells, but could provide a new patient-friendly, viable option to battle cancer. Researchers have created pores in the nanoparticles that can carry medicine.