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Cornell ReSounds presents play | pen symposium Feb. 4-5

Cornell ReSounds will welcome an esteemed slate of musicians, composers, and instrument builders for a two-day virtual play | pen symposium on February 4-5. Looking at tradition and past inventions as a way forward, the presenters will showcase their innovations and design sensibilities, highlighting connections between music and technology.

ReSounds aims to establish Cornell as a center for the design and creation of new musical instruments and a hub for Cornell’s creative artists – a dialogue between the future of instrument-building and collaborative artistic creation. The project is supported by a New Frontier Grant from the College of Arts & Sciences (A&S).

The symposium will serve as a kickoff for a new class co-taught by organizers Elizabeth Ogonek, assistant professor, and Ryan McCullough, visiting lecturer, both in the Department of Music (A&S). The course is a multidisciplinary cross-arts lab for students that emphasizes the dialogue between past and future by considering new music written for old and newly constructed instruments.

Read the story on the College of Arts and Sciences website.

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