The 18th annual Soup & Hope speaker series returns to Sage Chapel, spotlighting six Cornell staff, faculty and student storytellers who will share their experiences overcoming life’s challenges while attendees enjoy a free meal of soup and bread.
Interim President Michael I. Kotlikoff delivered his first President’s Address to Staff on Jan. 9 in familiar environs – Yarnell Lecture Hall in the College of Veterinary Medicine, where he served as professor, department chair and dean.
Barry Banfield Adams, professor of literatures of English emeritus in the College of Arts and Sciences, died Dec. 31 at home in Brooktondale, New York. He was 89.
Yarrow drew early inspiration from his time at Cornell before joining the folk trio, which would become one of the most popular and legendary folk acts of the 1960s.
New research elucidates a raindrop’s impact on a leaf - the equivalent in mass of a bowling ball hitting a person - and the physical dynamics that help the leaf survive.
Héctor D. Abruña, the Émile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences, will receive the Enrico Fermi Award, one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology honors bestowed by the U.S. government.