Building a better swim cap for people of color

The Fashion and Body Tech Lab is helping an entrepreneur invent a swim cap that aims to expand access to swimming for people of color and others with diverse hair types.

Kramnick Scholarship Fund tops $1 million mark

Gifts to the fund came from more than 400 alumni who say their lives were changed by his teaching and his friendship.

Around Cornell

Economist to study collective action with NSF grant

From organizing a charity event to demonstrating against an authoritarian regime, collective action is one of the most basic and ubiquitous forms of strategic interaction in a society, says Marco Battaglini.

Around Cornell

Writing about identity, values can boost teens’ self-esteem

Providing teenagers opportunities to affirm positive aspects of their identities and values can help bolster their self-esteem and ease transitions to high school, new Cornell psychology research finds.

Leak, Vashistha recognized for excellence in promoting diversity

Professors Tashara M. Leak and Aditya Vashistha are recipients of the Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching and Service through Diversity.

Solidarity from below: A leftist’s guide to the U.S.-China rivalry

Workers and socially marginalized people in both countries should pressure leaders not to ratchet up rhetoric and to center solidarity across borders, ILR's Eli Friedman argues in a new book.

More complaints, worse performance when AI monitors work

Employees prefer human oversight to AI surveillance – unless the technology can be framed as supporting their development, new Cornell research finds.

How girls fare when only a son will do

A new study has found that in 60 middle- and low-income countries, husbands are far more likely to want more sons, while wives are more likely to want more daughters, an equal numbers of boys and girls or have no preference.

Reminders boosted COVID vaccine uptake; free rides did not

A study involving more than 3.6 million people who’d already received COVID vaccinations found that offering free Lyft rides to a vaccination site was no more enticing than simply reminding people of the importance of getting boosted.